Customer Testimonials

OTHS Addition

I just wanted to quickly commend your teams for the effective site logistics, job site cleanliness and high level of safety that I have seen on the Old Town Hot Springs site... congratulations and keep it up. - PB

HLCC Construction Co.

HLCC are very friendly people who are well situated in Steamboat and good at what they do.  - DJ

Holiday Inn New Construction and Remodels

The Holiday Inn Steamboat Springs had HLCC Construction build a 20,000 Sq ft. addition, and needed it done in record time. It had be available for 4th of July weekend, 2010. The project started in August 2009, and was completed by July 1st, 2010. Not only was the entire project done on time, our guests were already booked and all the new rooms were occupied by that weekend. HLCC Ensured that any problems were made right, and of those, there were only minor setbacks. The entire addition was completed on budget. No surprises, whatsoever.


We still use HLCC to remodel our other 82 rooms. Our entire inventory of 1974 rooms now look brand new. All the rooms were stripped down to the bare studs, and completely and professionally refurbished. The 82 room remodel was done in four phases. Each phase had its own budget, and timeline, and at every phase HLCC came in under budget.


Chad is a phenomenal supervisor. He is easy to work with. He never gets upset, and he manages his team with grace. Travis is a great guy and coached my son’s baseball team. Would recommend HLCC to anyone looking for an Addition, Remodel or New Build.


- Scott Marr, General Manager Holiday Inn Steamboat Springs.


I would like to express my gratitude to Travis, Chad, Ryan and the amazing team at HLCC for the completion of STARS Ranch, in Steamboat Springs.


Every project, I’m sure, has its challenges, but HLCC overcomes every hurdle with innovative ideas and ingenuity. Getting our water system installed and operating was one of those hurdles. As specialists, managers, inspectors and water resource engineers designed our unique water system, the HLCC team made sure we had water on site, filled our tanks and kept us in business, while also managing the completion of the build-out. They built our 11,500 sq. ft. building, (designed by Mountain Architecture) with 9 accessible lodging rooms, 7 offices, community office space, great room, conference room, commercial kitchen and detached maintenance building, very close to budget. For a portion of the project, they were kind enough to work around us to allow us to use the space while finishing the remainder of the project. They were attentive to our needs and respectful of our presence the whole time. Communication is one of their best qualities. We met for progress and budget reports on a monthly basis. They outlined all costs, where they fit into the budgets, and where they could save on costs to make up for increases in other areas. I must have talked 3 times a day with Chad throughout the entire project, and the whole team was willing and attentive to address all of my concerns. HLCC goes above and beyond. They really understand their customers, and are accountable for every portion of this construction project. We wholeheartedly recommend HLCC.


- Lisa Evans, Director of Operations, Steamboat Adaptive Recreational Sports (STARS)

Dream Island Apartments

"The team at HLCC Construction have exceeded our expectations on the Dream Island apartment renovation project. We had a mix of apartments and retail spaces that needed to be completely reconfigured. Each unit was scraped down to the studs and rebuilt into efficient, modern, comfortable apartments. Travis and Chad are innovative, creative and know how to manage large multi-room remodels in a timely manner. They are fair and honest in all of their dealings. We also found that their company and staff was attentive to our needs, concerns and were always responsive when we needed attention. We look forward to our next project together."


- Marko Vukovich, VP of Asset Management, Ascentia Real Estate Holding Company

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